Commercial new

These are the new designs for business use with less power cost and easier daily maintanance.

The size and decomposing capability of the new styles are available in  30kg, 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 500kg, 1000kg, 5000kg, till 10 tons a day.

For more details, please don't hesitate to drop us an email. 

How it works ?

3 easy and effortless steps to reduce your organic waste!

1、Get up and get ready to feed the beast 😉

Throw your organic waste (meat and non-meat) into the tank of a machine equipped with a mechanical agitator and an enzymatic mixture!

Please don’t forget to close the door! 🙂 As soon as you do, the system will start working again.

2、As food ferments, it gets hotter and hotter until it reaches a pleasant 55°C.

The biowaste is mixed and heated until it reaches a temperature of 75°C.

The oxygen flow and humidity are continually renewed so that the weight and volume of your waste can be reduced by up to 90-95%.

No need to take breaks, it works all day!

3、After 24 hours, CLEANDIGEST will have reduced your waste like a 300 pound sumo wrestler on a crash diet.

You will end up with the dry matter called digestate; a completely odorless and stable powder that you can store in a container and which will be collected every 2 to 3 weeks.

Want to check more?

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